The oldtimejam.com Rebirth

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Comments : 14

You may have noticed that the old-time jam looks a little different. If so, you're absolutely right!

Since launching this site in December of 2011, the response has been overwhelming - in a very good way. And, over time, I realized that making this place all that I wanted it to be would require redesigning its basic structure. After many months of work, the transition is now complete!

What hasn't changed

The primary feature of this site has always been - and remains - the "old-time machine", the ever expanding repository of backup tracks for all your favorite old time tunes. And now that I'm done with the website overhaul, I'll be refocusing my efforts on what I enjoy most: adding more glorious music to the old time machine!

What's New

Beyond the changes that have occurred behind the scenes, here's what else you'll now find here:

  • A Blog - That's what you're reading right now! I'll be using this area of the site to announce site updates, new tunes, features, membership content, freebies, drawings, or anything else that might leak out of my brain onto my keyboard.
  • Tabs - I've received many requests for tabs to the tunes since launching the site. I've now completed tabs for banjo and fiddle/mando for all 5 volumes. You can get these (and all future tabs as well) by becoming a lifetime member, or purchase individual volumes here. The tabs for volume 1 are also available for free by signing up here.
  • The Member Area - This will house all the downloadable content available to lifetime members. Those who sign up will create a username and password they can use to access it any time they wish.



  1. Joelbelly Reply

    Very cool! 😀

    • admin Reply

      Thank you, Joelbelly. Great name, btw – you have big shoes to fill.

  2. Robin Thompson Reply

    Thanks a million for all your work and play! We’ve been long- time fans of OTJ here at our house. 🙂
    a’ good wishes,

    • admin Reply

      You bet, Robin – visit often!


  3. Cheryl Calhoun Reply

    Love the site before, but the new design is great. Thanks!

  4. jack traylor Reply

    What a great tool for the beginning old time player. Thank you very much for all your work in the construction of this site.

  5. Judy Sipes Reply

    This is just what the doctor ordered for all of us smitten by the “Old Time” bug. What an awesome contribution to the Old Time community and I am deeply grateful for Josh and this splendid work to keep the music alive and going – Judy D. Sipes

    • admin Reply

      Thanks, Judy. I think we’re all happy to have been bitten by the “old time” bug 🙂

  6. Caspar Noetzli Reply

    The new website is great! Thank you very much.

    • admin Reply

      You bet, Caspar. Thanks!

  7. jude quin Reply

    I still love you Josh! Even more as I delve deeper into the tunes! Thanks SO MUCH!

    • admin Reply

      Haha, thanks Jude!

  8. Ron Milner Reply

    I enjoyed the machine last year bur just tried running it on my ipad and nothing comes up where the old time machine should be. Is this because i put th new os on the ipad?

    • admin Reply

      It’s because the machine runs on Flash, and apple doesn’t support flash on its mobile devices. You can, however, check out the “old time jam” app in the apple app store (search “old time jam” and you’ll find it).

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